All my communications with the Budapest Service Center

When I started telling friends and family about what was happening to me with Tesla, many were in disbelief. It was not surprising. Many things I was saying were difficult to believe. And even now that I’ve started speaking publicly, I get the feeling that some people don’t quite believe me. Therefore, I think the simplest thing is to bring to light my raw conversations with Tesla, and let everyone judge for themselves.

At the end of this article, you will find a brief chronology with the highlights as a summary.

These are all my conversations with Budapest Service Center to date.

SC Budapest 01 SC Budapest 02 SC Budapest 03 SC Budapest 04 SC Budapest 05 SC Budapest 06 SC Budapest 07 SC Budapest 08 SC Budapest 09 SC Budapest 10 SC Budapest 11 SC Budapest 12 SC Budapest 13 SC Budapest 14 SC Budapest 15 SC Budapest 16 SC Budapest 17 SC Budapest 18 SC Budapest 19 SC Budapest 20 SC Budapest 21 SC Budapest 22 SC Budapest 23 SC Budapest 24 SC Budapest 25 SC Budapest 26 SC Budapest 27 SC Budapest 28


Reviewing these messages, and seeing they have deliberately decided to ignore me despite my insistence, has caused me a certain feeling of indignation and sadness. I believe that no person deserves this treatment. Even less a customer who has spent a significant amount of money on a company’s product.

I want to thank all the friends who have written to me these days and have shown me their empathy and affection, many of them owners of a Tesla car.